Kaspersky License Expires Soon
All tasks will be stopped except for Real-Time File Protection.
Kaspersky license expires soon. It can also be called license validity Period expires soon unless the licence period comes to an end. The databases are no longer updated. Another alert message appears that states License validity period expires soon.
Cause of the error. You can add it so that your protection is not paused when your current code expires. The easiest way to renew your Kaspersky protection is from within your product.
In the lower right hand side you will see the amount of days you have left on the current license. You can read a detailed description in the 37 point of EULA. Try to activate the application once again.
As soon as your license term ends your Kaspersky application will be activated automatically with the new activation code. The license will be renewed automatically within 24 hours. Go to the Critical event tab.
When the number of days specified in the Send notification setting remains until license expiration the application starts sending notifications to the email addresses of Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server administrator. For example 364 days remaining. Ive installed KIS 2009 and activated my license key.
The program checks the license validity period after each database update. If you have bought subscription for a Kaspersky application from a third-party service provider you can manage your subscription by contacting the provider. In the License Expires Soon section click any link to open the Notification settings.